TFL Private Hire Driver Wins Appeal at The Old Bailey | Smith Bowyer Clarke

Expert team of Barristers and Solicitors with years of experience in providing advice and representation in Road Transport Law.

TFL Private Hire Driver Wins Appeal at The Old Bailey

Solicitor Laura Newton was instructed to assist a Private Hire Driver whose Private Hire Licence had expired following TfL’s refusal to renew. Upon renewal, TfL performs checks on all Operator platforms and negative feedback was submitted to TfL by Operator Uber during this process. On Appeal, we were able to demonstrate that TfL had not fulfilled its duty to investigate the complaints and to balance this with the driver’s own account and otherwise good record. The Crown Court, sitting at the Old Bailey allowed the appeal and restored the Licence. TfL was ordered to pay legal costs to the driver.

Case Details

Case Name: TFL Private Hire Driver Wins Appeal at The Old Bailey
Case Date: July 2024
Case Type (info): Taxi/Private Hire Appeal

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