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Expert team of Barristers and Solicitors with years of experience in providing advice and representation in Road Transport Law.

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Dangerous Driver Avoids Prison - July 2024

This driver, represented in the Magistrates Court by barrister Harry Bowyer, overtook a van on the brow of a hill, crossing an unbroken line and forcing an on coming car to leave the carriageway. The entire incident was caught on dashcam. The starting point in the sentencing guidelines was 36 […]

TFL Private Hire Driver Wins Appeal at The Old Bailey - July 2024

Solicitor Laura Newton was instructed to assist a Private Hire Driver whose Private Hire Licence had expired following TfL’s refusal to renew. Upon renewal, TfL performs checks on all Operator platforms and negative feedback was submitted to TfL by Operator Uber during this process. On Appeal, we were able to […]

Success at the Court of Appeal for Motorist Wrongly Sentenced - June 2024

Millicent Dooher, barrister, represented this motorist who had been wrongly sentenced to 3 months custody for the offence of failing to stop for a police constable. This is a non-custodial offence- not one to be confused with failing to stop/report an accident which does carry a term of imprisonment. The […]

MOT Tester with 8 counts of Fraud Avoids Immediate Custody - June 2024

Millicent Dooher, barrister, represented this MOT tester before the Courts following a guilty plea to 8 offences of MOT fraud. Millicent was first able to keep the matter in the Magistrates’ Court where the sentencing powers are restricted, she was then able to persuade the Court to deal with matter […]

Error in DVLA licence summary Corrected – Driver not a Totter - June 2024

Barrister, Millicent Dooher, represented this driver following initial concerns that he had been called to court for ‘totting’. Millicent was able to rectify the position in relation to the penalty points endorsed on the driving licence, reducing the number of endorsed penalty points from 9 to 6. Millicent then represented […]

Crown Court Appeal Successful for PHV Driver With Mobile Telephone Offence - June 2024

This Driver had received a revocation of his Private Hire Licence following a conviction for a mobile telephone offence, resulting in 6 penalty points. The Magistrates’ Court had not allowed the appeal in the first instance, and the Driver sought assistance from Smith Bowyer Clarke in appealing to the Crown […]

TFL Driver with 42 Particularised Complaints Escapes With No Action On His PHV Licence - June 2024

This Driver, represented by Millicent Dooher, was requested to make representations for the second time in 2 years on a number of particularised complaints. Millicent was able to provide these representations, and it was accepted by the Licencing Authority (Transport for London) that the Driver remained a fit and proper […]

Appeal Withdrawn by Licencing Authority and PHV licence granted Following Motoring Offence - June 2024

This appeal was brought against a Local Authority following the Driver’s application being refused due to a 3 penalty point motoring offence. The Local Authority had quoted their guidelines that suggested that a driver must have a clean licence for 3 years before being able to be approved as a […]

Prosecution Withdrawn for Failure to Notify a Driver - June 2024

Laura Newton represented a Company charged with an offence of Failing to Identify a Driver, when served with a Notice of Intended Prosecution. When Company records were reviewed, it was accepted that the Notice had been missed and no reply sent. However, the Company had good processes in place and […]

TFL Private Hire Driver Wins Appeal in the Crown Court - June 2024

Our client, a Private Hire Driver working with Uber under a TfL Licence, had the licence revoked by TfL following a passenger complaint. He was represented by Laura Newton on appeal to the Magistrates’ Court and Crown Court. The complaint had been investigated and dismissed by the Police, there was […]

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