Driver Avoids Totting Up Disqualification Due to Caring Responsibilities | Smith Bowyer Clarke

Expert team of Barristers and Solicitors with years of experience in providing advice and representation in Road Transport Law.

Driver Avoids Totting Up Disqualification Due to Caring Responsibilities

Laura Newton, our solicitor dealing with motoring offences, represented a driver before Mansfield Magistrates’ Court who was being sentenced for driving using a mobile phone. this offence carries 6 points and the driver had 9 points on his Licence for speeding.

The driver had been notified by Court letter that he must attend for a disqualification from driving under the totting up rules. We prepared his case and put forward his evidence to the Magistrates, explaining that a disqualification would have a detrimental impact on his ability to care for his father. It would also have an impact in other areas of his life, including his ability to work.

The Court agreed that the  impact of a disqualification would cause the driver exceptional hardship and we avoided a disqualification, despite the number of points recorded on his Licence reaching 15.

If you have received a letter advising you may be disqualified or if you are worried about reaching 12 or more penalty points, our team of experts can assist you. We will advise if you have a case to argue exceptional hardship or whether there are other mitigating circumstances that might help protect your Licence.

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Case Details

Case Name: Driver Avoids Totting Up Disqualification Due to Caring Responsibilities
Case Date: February 2021
Case Type (info): motoring law, exceptional hardship, speeding offence, appeal, totting up

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