Driver Charged with Careless Driving and Excess speed Escapes with Short Disqualification for Speeding Offence Alone | Smith Bowyer Clarke

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Driver Charged with Careless Driving and Excess speed Escapes with Short Disqualification for Speeding Offence Alone

This driver, represented by Millicent Dooher, was charged with careless driving and excess speed of over 100mph in a 50mph zone. Millicent was able to convince the prosecution to abandon the charge of careless driving and proceed on the speeding charge only. The speeding was accepted by the driver. The Magistrates felt they were required to disqualify due to the excess speed but kept the disqualification at 55 days. Any disqualification of 56 days or more requires your licence to be sent to the DVSA and if you hold HGV or PSV entitlements, these are not automatically restored following a disqualification.

Case Details

Case Name: Driver Charged with Careless Driving and Excess speed Escapes with Short Disqualification for Speeding Offence Alone
Case Date: July 2022
Case Type (info): Magistrates' Court

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