New Driver Disqualified Rather than Revoked | Smith Bowyer Clarke

Expert team of Barristers and Solicitors with years of experience in providing advice and representation in Road Transport Law.

New Driver Disqualified Rather than Revoked

Laura Newton represented a ‘New Driver’ who had been recorded speeding on his motorbike at 50mph in an area restricted to 30mph. The normal sentence for this offence would be 6 points, however as a New Driver, this would mean that DVLA would revoke the Licence and he would need to retake his test. This would impact on his ability to work and complete an apprenticeship. The Magistrates, hearing the evidence and mitigation limited the sentence to 5 points, which meant that he could continue to use his licence uninterrupted and did not need to have a retest.

Case Details

Case Name: New Driver Disqualified Rather than Revoked
Case Date: April 2024
Case Type (info): Magistrates' Court

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