Prosecution Withdrawn for Failure to Notify a Driver | Smith Bowyer Clarke

Expert team of Barristers and Solicitors with years of experience in providing advice and representation in Road Transport Law.

Prosecution Withdrawn for Failure to Notify a Driver

Laura Newton represented a Company charged with an offence of Failing to Identify a Driver, when served with a Notice of Intended Prosecution. When Company records were reviewed, it was accepted that the Notice had been missed and no reply sent. However, the Company had good processes in place and a track record of adequately dealing with other Notices in relation to its large fleet. We were able to make representations to the Prosecution who agreed that it was not in the public interest to continue with the prosecution and the case was withdrawn from Court. The implication for the Company, which held an Operator’s License and was that they would not be obliged to now report a convictions to the Traffic Commissioner, which was a great relief.

Case Details

Case Name: Prosecution Withdrawn for Failure to Notify a Driver
Case Date: June 2024
Case Type (info): Magistrates' Court

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