Laura Newton | Smith Bowyer Clarke

Expert team of Barristers and Solicitors with years of experience in providing advice and representation in Road Transport Law.

Author Archives: Laura Newton

Will I Get a Criminal Conviction for a Motoring Offence?

Many drivers go throughout their life without any interaction with the Police and the Court. Infrequent low level offences may be dealt with by postal notices and awareness courses led by independent companies. However, when the position escalates and is referred to Court or results in endorsement on the Licence, […]

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Using or Holding a Mobile Phone While Driving

We are well educated on the dangers of using a mobile phone whilst driving and the changes in the law have meant that any use or holding of a phone whilst driving is going to lead to a fine and 6 penalty points. The question is whether this goes far […]

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Artificial Intelligence to Detect Mobile Phone Driving Offences

Driving using a mobile phone is one of the most common driving offences leading to prosecution or fixed penalties. With less patrols available to police the roads, forces are bringing in new ways to detect offences and to deter drivers. We have seen in recent years Police relying on HGV […]

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In 2022, it is estimated that there were some 323 billion road miles covered by vehicles in Great Britain. The Office for National Statistics published data to suggest that an estimated 45% of car users exceeded the speed limit on 30mph roads alongside other worrying statistics for other vehicle and […]


App to Improve Accessibility for Public Transport

Department for Transport have issued a new Code of Practice to help ensure that navigation apps offer filters such as step free journey options, to help disabled people and to promote safer journeys. The Code of Practice, named ‘Mobility as a Service’ (MaaS)  can be found on the government website […]

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Learner Drivers are expected to wait nearly half a year for their test.

Test Centres are still trying to catch up with the back log that has occurred as a result of the Covid-19 outbreak. Three years later, learner drivers are still being forced to wait weeks, if not months to sit their tests. The DVSA are aware of the issue and are […]

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Unreliable Drug Samples Produced in Drug Drive Cases

When a driver is suspected of Drug Driving, a roadside swab may be used an a preliminary test, followed by a blood sample which is analysed and reported. Drug driving laws were tightened in April 2015, when a specific offence of driving over a prescribed level of drugs came into […]

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West Yorkshire Police Officer Jailed For Nominating his Wife as Driver to Avoid Receiving Points

A police officer and his wife, both employed by West Yorkshire Police have received prison sentences for perverting the course of justice after it was discovered that they gave false information about the driver responsible for speeding offences. On two occasions, cameras has recorded a male driver, but each time […]

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Motorists at Risk with Tighter Speeding Rules

Many motorists have been left frustrated after rules regarding speeding enforcements have been tightened in some areas of the UK. It is quite well known that police forces use a certain tolerance formula before issuing a Notice of Intended Prosecution. These new speeding rules change the situation. It was generally […]

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Drivers could face penalty for seatbelt offences

Wearing a seat belt is legal requirement for both drivers and passengers. This has been the case for front seats since 1983 and rear seats since 1991. At present, if you are caught driving without a seatbelt, you will face a £100 fixed penalty or fine at Court up to […]

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