Author Archives: Laura Newton
Unreliable Drug Samples Produced in Drug Drive Cases
When a driver is suspected of Drug Driving, a roadside swab may be used an a preliminary test, followed by a blood sample which is analysed and reported. Drug driving laws were tightened in April 2015, when a specific offence of driving over a prescribed level of drugs came into […]
West Yorkshire Police Officer Jailed For Nominating his Wife as Driver to Avoid Receiving Points
A police officer and his wife, both employed by West Yorkshire Police have received prison sentences for perverting the course of justice after it was discovered that they gave false information about the driver responsible for speeding offences. On two occasions, cameras has recorded a male driver, but each time […]
Motorists at Risk with Tighter Speeding Rules
Many motorists have been left frustrated after rules regarding speeding enforcements have been tightened in some areas of the UK. It is quite well known that police forces use a certain tolerance formula before issuing a Notice of Intended Prosecution. These new speeding rules change the situation. It was generally […]
Drivers could face penalty for seatbelt offences
Wearing a seat belt is legal requirement for both drivers and passengers. This has been the case for front seats since 1983 and rear seats since 1991. At present, if you are caught driving without a seatbelt, you will face a £100 fixed penalty or fine at Court up to […]
Changes to the Highway Code 2022
The Highway Code has been amended, with changes effective from 29 January 2022. The overriding basis of the changes is to ensure that, ‘those who can do the greatest harm to others to have a higher level of responsibility to reduce the danger.’ As a Licensed Driver, you are expected […]
Long Time Learner – Learner Drivers Facing More Misery
Learner drivers have faced costly and frustrating delays in accessing tests since the COVID pandemic began. Prior to the Lockdown measures, around 1.6 million tests took place year on year, this dropped to just 436,000 in the year 2020 – 2021. The capacity to take tests has greatly reduced due […]
Drink Driving 101
As another celebrity is charged with drink driving, the question as to whether the law is too soft arises. Should there be a zero tolerance approach or is it a Public Heath matter where more awareness and education would help. It seems like many understand the risks involved and some […]
Driver Speeding Statistics Revealed
Every summer, the government releases statistics relating to the behaviours of drivers. One particular report focuses on speeding infringements and makes for interesting reading. In 2020, the worst offenders were van drivers. Figures show that 55% of van drivers speed on motorways and 58% on 30pmh roads. Car drivers were […]
DVSA Announces Changes for Towing a Trailer or Caravan from Autumn 2021
In an effort to combat the driver shortages and free up test availability, DVSA announced a major change due to come in later this year (date TBC). Drivers who passed their Driving Test from 1 January 1997 will now be able to tow a trailer up to 3500kg without taking […]
Speed Awareness Course Instead of Penalty Points?
The majority of low level motoring offences are dealt with out of Court, but when many drivers are first warned that an offence has been detected, they are confused as to how their offence will be dealt with. The police (and other prosecution agencies such as DVSA) have a number […]