Category: Uncategorised
Drug Driving and its Consequences
Drug driving is a serious issue in the United Kingdom, with the use of controlled drugs leading to numerous accidents and fatalities on the road. The government has taken strict measures to tackle drug driving, and those caught violating the laws can face severe consequences. The consequences of drug driving […]
Learner Drivers are expected to wait nearly half a year for their test.
Test Centres are still trying to catch up with the back log that has occurred as a result of the Covid-19 outbreak. Three years later, learner drivers are still being forced to wait weeks, if not months to sit their tests. The DVSA are aware of the issue and are […]
Unreliable Drug Samples Produced in Drug Drive Cases
When a driver is suspected of Drug Driving, a roadside swab may be used an a preliminary test, followed by a blood sample which is analysed and reported. Drug driving laws were tightened in April 2015, when a specific offence of driving over a prescribed level of drugs came into […]
West Yorkshire Police Officer Jailed For Nominating his Wife as Driver to Avoid Receiving Points
A police officer and his wife, both employed by West Yorkshire Police have received prison sentences for perverting the course of justice after it was discovered that they gave false information about the driver responsible for speeding offences. On two occasions, cameras has recorded a male driver, but each time […]
Drivers could face penalty for seatbelt offences
Wearing a seat belt is legal requirement for both drivers and passengers. This has been the case for front seats since 1983 and rear seats since 1991. At present, if you are caught driving without a seatbelt, you will face a £100 fixed penalty or fine at Court up to […]
Section 172 Notice – Do I Have to Name the Driver of My Car?
If your car is involved in a driving offence a section 172 notice is provided with the Notice of Intended Prosecution (NIP) for the driving offence, this usually comes in the post. The s.172 is the requirement to provide driver information. You must respond to this. If you don’t respond, […]
15 Frequently Asked Questions About Speeding
1. What is the national speed limit? The maximum speed limit of a single carriageway road is 60mph. On dual carriageway roads and motorways it is 70mph. The national speed limit road sign is a white circle with a diagonal black rectangle. 2. How many […]
GB Sticker Changing to UK Sticker for Cars Travelling Abroad after 28th September 2021
As of the 28 September 2021 the national identifier for all UK registered vehicles who travel abroad will change. The national identifier is the sticker or emblem placed on the rear of the vehicle which clearly identifies which country the vehicle is travelling from. At present vehicles registered in the […]
Government Announces Travel Strategy in Lockdown Easing
Significant Changes To Highways To Be Introduced Within Weeks The Department for Transport has published a document outlining guidance to the highways authorities who are being asked to make “significant changes to the road layouts to give more room to cyclists and pedestrians.” COVID-19 restrictions has meant that public transport […]
Potholes – Know Your Rights
Have you ever had damage caused to your tyres due to unattended pot holes on the road? You hear the clunk and feel the jolt of your tyres dipping into the hole and have a sinking feeling that this may be costly! This is an all too common occurrence, particularly […]